Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Abnormal Psychology_Schizophrenia (1)

Abnormal Psychology_Schizophrenia (1)

Q The case study ends with Bill continuing to live with his sister Colleen and her family. If you were Bill’s therapist, what changes would you need to see in order to suggest that he live on his own? Do you believe that he will ever be able to live independently? (You should base your answer on statistics on recovery from schizophrenia, details of Bill’s case, and your intuition.)

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Schizophrenia is a case where the person affected loses the sense of reality and the person may show different symptoms including delusion and hallucination. There are several factors which may lead to the identification of the person with schizophrenia. The main symptoms of schizophrenia are delusion and hallucination. Hallucination is a condition when a person perceives things, feels, things that are present in reality. There are several factors which seem to be related to the concepts of or aspects of reality and fantasy.